Eltropy is a breakthrough collaboration tool that helps sales teams better understand their customers through content tracking.
We designed the app around the primary use case for viewing and sharing content. To kick-start the project, we created a working PRD to help define requirements; this also allowed us to decide on the value proposition to customers, the user and business goals, personas, use cases and user stories.
We interviewed stakeholders, including the Director of Product and Solution Marketing, Preet, to understand how the product was being used within his team. His goal was to “win top-tier customers.” During the study, we learned that the app helped them build out content for their products (decks, competitive analysis, etc.)
The other tools his team tried out did not successfully inform Preet on how and why they were using the content. In addition to gaining insight from Preet, we also reviewed wish lists that existing customers provided the Eltropy executive team.
We conducted a competitive analysis by downloading “Competitor A” and “Competitor B” (apps for iOS) and performed a UX audit on both. We looked at the pros and cons of the interface and studied the value proposition to the end user in relation to their business model. After that, we took all this information and refreshed our design concepts.
We used paper prototyping to quickly bring flows to life. We then wire-framed primary tasks, vetted the flows with the Eltropy team, and iterated based on feedback. Once we had the basics down, we tested the designs by making them interactive. We created clickable prototypes that allowed us to check the flows in the medium for which they were designed.
A few iterations later, we finalized icons, fonts, and the overall design language for Eltropy. We created a style guide specific to mobile that could also be ported to the web app. The app is available on iTunes as well as the Play Store.